I finally got my shovel shelf

Need to drill another hole in the top because the tempered steel dulled all my cheap drill bits!

Need to drill another hole in the top because the tempered steel dulled all my cheap drill bits!

saw this on Pinterest and thought one day I hope to do this.
Well, that day came when I was at a client’s home and she came out to “help”. I was moving some Encore Azaleas that were not performing well in a spot (that someone else other than me planted) and at one point I said “can you hand me my shovel?”

I like my own tools. If I bend the handle or break off the end, it is mine and I know what they make for. Well, this day was the first for me in the many years of digging…
while popping the Encore out of the hole my shovel caught the root of the tree and I could not get the Encore out so I push with a bit of might and CRACK!!!!! the wooden handle snapped in half and I went down face first into the bush.

Do not worry the bush is fine but my pride was not…LOL
So I said “OMG I am so sorry I will buy you another one” she said “don’t worry I got it at Walmart for $5 and I have another one”

Hanging from the tree. Remove anything you attach to trees in the fall

Hanging from the tree. Remove anything you attach to trees in the fall

Me joking but serious too “that is why you do not buy tools at Walmart!”

So I brought the shovel end home and asked my hubby if he could bend the end. He said he had to take it to work and heat up the handle to bend it because it is tempered steel. And then he curiously asks “what are you going to do with this?” So anyone who wants to do this with shovels and tools you will have to have access to a torch or welder to warm up the metal to red hot and then you can bend it. So my next investment is a welder LOL so I can do this myself!

So this is the story of my shovel shelf.
And great news I found 2 rusty shovel ends at a garage sale so he is taking them to work this week to bend them too. LOL I feel so blessed to now have more plant shelves in my potting area. I remove anything hanging on the trees every fall so that the tree does not grow into the screws or brackets.

thank you everyone for reading! and enjoy your gardens.
Happy gardening to y’all

2 thoughts on “I finally got my shovel shelf

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